Thursday 2 June 2011

Sony KDF-E60A20 60-Inch LCD Rear Projection Television

3LCD Technology

WEGA Engine System

Cinema Black Pro

ATSC Integrated Tuner with CableCARD Slot

WEGA GATE - Easy Operation Guide

This review is from: Sony KDF-E60A20 60-Inch LCD Rear Projection TelevisionWe reviewed the other (nearly identical) model on our show in March and I liked it so much I decided to buy one. I love, that's why the review is also posted here. When I got mine, I was overjoyed. You can check out the full review of the FN model at, but here's the conclusion:

What we liked

* Awesome HD picture

* Amazing black levels

* Great, real color

* Excellent detail

* Two HDMI inputs

* Price

What we disliked

* Remote control

* Menu system

* Input switching with the factory remote


The JVC HD-61FN97 is an excellent value. It looks great, does a wonderful job with HD content, a great job with DVDs and a pretty good job with standard definition TV. Blacks are good, contrast is solid, colors are excellent and detail is vivid. We try to look for great values to help you (and us for that matter) get a little more out of each hard earned dollar. You'd be hard pressed to find a better looking 61" TV at its price. It really helps bring the big screen home.

This review is from: Sony KDF-E60A20 60-Inch LCD Rear Projection TelevisionI've owned this display now for about 3 months. Simply put; I could not be happier. The picture is absolutely stunning and flawless. When watching Discovery HD on my DirecTV HD receiver; you are there! At the time of this writing Discovery HD is about 3 weeks into their "Planet Earth" series and to see the beauty of this incredible program on this display is quite frankly mind-boggling. Even the sound on the internal speakers which I only use occasionaly is great for internal TV speakers. The blue light on the front that some seem to be a little disturbed about that it could distract them is not distracting to me at all, but if it distracts you, it can be dimmed or turned off completely; so that is not an issue. The fan is as quiet as you're going to get and can only barely be heard with the volume completely down, and the wife and I sit only about 7 1/2 feet away.

I was offered a choice at the store where I buy of getting the 60" Sony, the 61" Samsung or the 61" JVC all 1080p displays and all at the exact same price...The JVC was in my opinion the hands down winner in picture quality. That said, I'm sure either of the other 2 displays would also make pretty much anyone happy.

In any case, trust me...with this display, and my Parasound pre/pro and amps, Aerial (FL, FR, and center) and Energy (4 rear channels) speakers, 2 15" DefTech subs all set up in a 7.2 configuration...As my wife now says: The theatres are so inferior. Ya gotta love it!

I HIGHLY recommend this display to even the most discerning videophile.

This review is from: Sony KDF-E60A20 60-Inch LCD Rear Projection TelevisionI finally made a decision on which HDTV to purchase after a lengthy study. Although I am not taking delivery for a few days, I feel I know this tv very well. Also I hope this review can help others who are considering this unit. I was torn between the Sony XBR2, the Samsung 61" and the JVC. All are 1080p but the Samsung is said to have "wobulation" which is not TRUE 1080p so... I finally decided to purchase the Sony, ($3000) based on all the great reviews this tv had. I also am a believer in the LCOS technology over DLP. Anyway, I couldn't get the JVC out of my mind. Everytime I went to Best Buy to research tv's I kept seeing the unbelievable picture on the JVC. The Sony, no matter what store, never had a great "out of the box" picture, like the JVC. And no, the JVC hadn't been tweaked. When I saw the price included a $300 stand, it was just to financially a plus not to get the JVC. Technically a $1300 differance. I know many will say that the Sony is better but I couldn't deny the fantastic picture I saw at the store. I just can't justify spending $1300 more for the Sony. I'd rather have the extra money for maybe an HD-DVD player. After I take delivery, I will comment on the tv after about a month.

This review is from: Sony KDF-E60A20 60-Inch LCD Rear Projection TelevisionI can still remember the jump from a SDTV to this HDTV "without a tuner". This TV might not be the highest resolution, but it is a great buy. I remember hooking my Tivo system to it, and the picture was so much better, without any HDTV programming. For games, it's great. You can adjust the color and video noise reduction if you have several things hooked up to your television. I just bought a Nintendo Wii, along with HDTV cables. The games look really good on this TV. I approve this buy. The only reason it doesn't get five stars is because of the lack of resolution sizes.

This review is from: Sony KDF-E60A20 60-Inch LCD Rear Projection TelevisionI just bought one of these used, and I think it is GREAT! The sound is amazing, and the picture is very, very good when using component and s-video cables. A huge step up from my old GE, even if it is "just" an SD set. Way to go, RCA!

This review is from: Sony KDF-E60A20 60-Inch LCD Rear Projection TelevisionI've had this TV for about two years, and I must say, it has never once let me down. It has component inputs, which even on an SDTV provide exceptional clarity. It's especially noticeable when watching DVDs. For it's size, this TV is an incredible value. The only thing that has ever let me down with this TV is the fact that it is only standard definition. Having just 480p would have been nice, but I imagine it would be a lot more expensive if it was an EDTV.

This review is from: Sony KDF-E60A20 60-Inch LCD Rear Projection TelevisionThis television is the best you can buy for the price ($1169 at Circuit City on sale) - I'll break it down by its possible uses:


With an analog television signal, the picture is mediocre - but that's true of most LCDs (and with how bad ana...

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